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Dose of clomiphene citrate in female infertility due to sperm inhibition. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 100: 869–903, 1997. 8. Tulloch, J.M.; Wylie, P.V.; Beale, G.J.; et al. The effect of antiepileptic drug doxylamine/amphetamine on sperm motility in humans. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 84: 1583–1591, 1991. 9. Tulloch, J.M. et al. Clomiphene buy clomiphene in canada citrate administration in the rat: preliminary reports. Acta Pharmacol Toxicol 42: 227–231, 1992. 10. Sperber, N.G.; Schmitt, R.A.; and Tulloch, J.M. Clomiphene citrate as an antiepileptic and antiandrogen for female patients with male infertility. Acta Pharmacol Toxicol 42: 621–632, 1992. 11. Chassolom, A.; E.; and Tulloch, J.M. Clinical efficacy pharmacokinetic and molecular pharmacodynamics of androclomiphene citrate (25 mg) in male and female mice. Acta Pharmacol Toxicol 42: 921–925, 1992. 12. Sperber, N.G., and Tulloch, J.M. Clomiphene citrate-induced ovulatory failure: preclinical results. Am J Obstet Gynecol 172: 937–940, 1992. 13. Haines, P.S. et al. Pharmacokinetics of levonorgestrel in rabbits. Contraception 40: 543–546, 1967. 14. Chassolom, A. et Amoxicillin capsules vegetarian al. Clinical trials on the pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, and pharmacokinetic properties of clomiphene citrate in humans vitro: role of osmolality and plasma levels. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 74: 511–514, 1986a. 15. Dantzer, H. et al. Buy viagra and cialis online Clomiphene citrate: a novel, oral, oral-mucosal contraceptive for women who are unable to use hormonal contraceptives. Contraception 31: 541–550, 1986b. 16. Sperber, N.G.; Schmitt, R.A.; and Tulloch, J.M. Clomiphene citrate-induced ovulatory failure: preclinical results. Am J Obstet Gynecol 172: 937–940, 1992. 17. Dantzer, H. et al. The use of clomiphene citrate to treat hypoactive sexual desire disorder. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 73: 1553–1558, 1982. 18. Sperber, N.G., and Tulloch, J.M. The effects of clomiphene citrate on female sexual behavior and fertility. Contraception 39: 465–472, 1974. 19. Arakawa, Y. et al. A dose-response study in women receiving clomiphene citrate at a starting dose of 25 mg/day for 14 weeks. Fertil Steril 53: 1347–1351, 1992. 20. Dantzer, H.; Schmitt, R.A.; and Tulloch, J.M. Effect of clomiphene citrate on sexual behavior and fertility in men. Endocrinology 142: 705–710, 1986b. 21. Dantzer, H.; Schmitt, R.A.; and Tulloch, J.M. Comparison of preclinical and clinical data on the effect of clomiphene citrate on sexual behavior and fertility. Hum Reprod 11: 1007–1010, 1986c. 22. Sperber, N.G.; Tulloch, J.M. Clomiphene citrate pharmacokinetics in premenopausal women. Contraception 34: 755–760, 1986b. 23. Kontos, L.; Chassolom, A.; Thayil, L. et al. The effect of citalopram, an orally active antidepressant, on female Sexual Dysfunctions in the Pregnancy Outcome Study: a randomized double-blind trial. Fertil Steril 57: 515–526, 1988. 24. Dantzer, H.; Schmitt, R.A.; and Tulloch, J.M. Effects of clomiphene citrate on serum and preovulatory follicle-stimulating hormone estrone sulfate levels, oocyte viability and Buy orlistat cheap online endometrial thickness, maturation, pregnancy outcome.

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