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A Visit To See The O’Keeffe Chalice
Ruth O’Keefe
October 7, 2021
For many years I have wanted to see the O’Keeffe Chalice & this past September I finally got an opportunity to visit The Victoria & Albert Museum in London where it is kept. I asked several staff where it might be but no one seemed to know of what I was looking for but I knew it to be there. I headed to the Chalice Rooms but the chalice rooms were huge with lots of cabinets full to the brim. I realized my chances of finding it walking around were slim & would take hours. So I googled it, found which room it was in & its location. There it was! A beautiful sight & heirloom to behold. Absolutely beautiful. I couldn’t believe I was there to see it. But I felt saddened it was kept in there. Doesn’t it belong to it’s people? On further inspection I realized it wasn’t described as The O’Keeffe Chalice but an Irish chalice & that’s probably why the staff didn’t know of what I spoke. Yet I knew it’s story. I thought of it’s adventure, it’s travels & the sacrifices given to preserve it. I was grateful to be the only person in the chalice room & I sat there for about 15 minutes thinking of this story that only some of us will ever know. That O’Keeffes will only feel. I took many photographs & felt happy & sad at the same time that I was in its presence. Do go see it if you’re ever in London. I believe it knows & welcomes when a fellow kin O’Keeffe has come to visit.