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Duarrigle Castle
Duth Aireageail: The Countryside of the Oratory

Photograph provided by: Jack R. O’Keefe
In older days it was one of the castles of the O’Keeffes, who also owned Dromagh and Dromsicane nearby, and they appear to have built it in the sixteenth century. In 1576 it was owned by Art O’Keeffe, chief of the clan, who succeeded by Art Oge (died 1610): Manus (died 1636) and then Daniel. The latter lost the lands in 1654: recovered them on the Restoration, but unfortunately died before he could take them over. The lands were finally confiscated after 1692, and eventually disposed of by the Hollow Sword Blade Company. Abraham Dickson was the purchaser and in 1712 he left it to his grand-nephew Hugh Dickson. By 1728 they were owned by Henry, Bishop of Cloyne who made them over to James Maule. After that they passed to Henry Wrixon who gave a lease to Thomas Justice. (p. 336)
Duarrigle Castle –