Family Tree | DNA | Notable O’Keeffes | Memorial | Archives
The original O’Keeffe Clan website started in 1996. It was an HTML based website that mostly contained user’s name, contact information, and the O’Keeffe ancestor they were researching. A newsletter was available and snail mailed to members. Old newsletters will be available in the future. Eventually the website capabilities expanded to feature an O’Keeffe Clan Guestbook and links to other O’Keeffe messages boards for members to share information. On 1 April 2012, Locos retired the guestbook capability. Since then most Message Boards have also gone by the wayside as well.
Today the website is designed using Content Management Systems (CMS). WordPress is use for the main site information while The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding (TNG) manages the O’Keeffe Clan Family Tree. The O’Keeffe One Name Study includes several spelling variations and over 150,000 people in the combined on-line database. There are over 400 members of which many have contributed their O’Keeffe ancestry to this project.

O’Keeffe Clan Family Tree:
Joining the O’Keeffe Clan Family Tree is easy, you just need an O’Keeffe ancestor. Please provide your O’Keeffe ancestry, including names, dates, and places of your ancestors and their spouses. Living people are optional due to privacy rights. Having this information will allow us to put you in contact with other relatives and DNA testers who are researching your branch of the O’Keeffe family.

For those who have taken a DNA test, please consider joining the O’Keeffe DNA group at FamilyTreeDNA and/or the GEDmatch O’Keeffe project. Both are Free and most DNA testing companies will allow transfers of DNA results. For more information about DNA transfers goto the “Upload DNA Data” at the top of FTDNA home page. You may also find transfer information on GEDmatch.

Notable O’Keeffes:
Famous and Notables O’Keeffes (Ó Caoimh, O’Keeffe, O’Keefe, Keeffe, Keefe) from Wikipedia and O’Keeffe researchers. The Famous O’Keeffe, Wikipedia page, is a list of links that will provide additional and current information. The Notable section contains links to articles written by O’Keeffe Clan members.

Member Memorial:
O’Keeffe researchers who have pasted away.
I would like to thank them for their help and take this time to remember them.

Future – Archived Newsletters